Pontian, Johor April 11, 2018 – Bubblelab today announced new outlet opening Bubblelab Pontian with 50% discount for wash and dry. Discount 50% not only for opening it for one month starting from 11 April 2018 to 10 May 2018
No. 44G, Jalan Delima, Pusat Perdagangan Pontian, 82000 Johor.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/1%C2%B028'42.1%22N+103%C2%B023'17.1%22E/@1.478361,103.3705737,14z/ data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d1.4783599!4d103.3880861?hl=en